Extra Special thanks to our key event sponsors!

City of Long Beach

Dennis Company Ace

Jack’s Country Store

Lighthouse Oceanfront Resort
Long Beach Merchants Association
Mermaid Inn

North Jetty Brewing

Port of Peninsula
Special thanks to these generous event sponsors!
Adrift Hotel
Lost Roo
Ohana Media Group
Stormin’ Norman’s
And a big thanks to these event sponsors:
- Beach Barons
- Cann Lawyers
- Captain Bob’s Chowder
- Dr. Roof
- Fishpeople
- Ford Electric
- Fun Beach Speedway
- Funland
- Great NW Federal Credit Union
- Lighthouse Realty
- Long Beach Candy Man
- Long Beach Tavern
- Ocean Beauty Seafoods
- Ocean Park Chamber of Commerce
- Ocean Park Resort
- Oman & Son
- Pacific Realty
- Peninsula Sanitation
- Pioneer Market
- Port of Ilwaco
- Seaview Mobil